The Listening Inventory (TLI) is an informal behavioral observation completed by parents and/or teachers for students between the ages of 3 to 17. The Listening Inventory is a first step to quantify behaviors to see if a child might need evaluation for auditory disorders and it can provide a starting point for discussions with the speech-language professional prior to formal evaluation of a child. Six areas are assessed and index scores are derived for each. The areas are: linguistic organization, decoding/language mechanics, attention/organization, sensory/motor, social/behavioral auditory processes. TLI is a sensitive measure to identify those at risk for Auditory Processing Disorders (APD). TLI is broadly tuned to identify a wide variety of APD characteristics. TLI contains questions that help to identify four conditions that often overlap with APD. TLI is a tool that is administered individually (Ages 3 through 17) and requires about 15 minutes to complete and score. Kit includes Manual, 25 Inventory forms, 25 Profile forms