Dandelion Launchers Stages 1-7 (US Version)
Constructed for beginner readers ages 5 through 8, these books focus on combining letter sounds to form CVC words. The first books have words using the sounds s, a, t, i, and m. Later books use these sounds and gradually introduce new ones. By the end of book 7, all of the initial sounds of the alphabet will have been introduced. Each book contains fewer than 50 words. Each book introduces only a few letter/sounds at a time allowing independent reading from the outset.
Two books in each stage provide practice while offering different stories. Each stage introduces new letters/sounds while supporting previously taught phonic letters/sounds and high-frequency words, or sight words.
Stage 1: s, a, t, i, m,
Stage 2: n, o, p,
Stage 3: b, c, g, h,
Stage 4: d, e, f, v,
Stage 5: k, l, r, u,
Stage 6: j, w, z,
Stage 7: x, y, ff, ll, ss, zz
Dandelion Launchers Stages 8-15 (US Version)
Designed for young beginner readers ages 5 to 8, these books focus on combining letter sounds together to form CVC words. Each book contains fewer than 50 words. Dandelion Launchers Set 2 (Stages 8 through 15) follows on from Dandelion Launchers Set 1 (Stages 1-7) and introduces longer words with 4 and 5 sounds and the sounds ch, sh, th, ck and ng. Two books in each stage provide practice while offering different stories. Each stage introduces new letters/sounds while supporting previously taught phonic letters/sounds and high-frequency words, or sight words.
Stage 8: CVCC
Stage 9: CVCC
Stage 10: CCVCC
Stage 11: ch,
Stage 12: sh
Stage 13: th
Stage 14: ck, wh
Stage 15: ng, qu
Dandelion Launchers Stages 1-7 Workbook (US Version)
This spiral-bound, photocopiable workbook includes 7 chapters referencing the 7 stages in the Dandelion Launchers Set 1 books. Each lesson starts with an overview of eac... (more)