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Pets Rule!
Item #: 2187-6 Includes: Set of 5 Readers (1 of each title)
Price: $48.00
Reading Level (Grade): 2.00-3.00 Interest Level (Age): Ages 8 - 12
Author(s): Holly I. Melton

The Third Street Pets rule their neighborhood! Harry is a smart cat with no hair. Tiger is a kitten, but don’t call her a baby! Baz is a loud parrot who wants to be famous. Oscar is a nearsighted dog who borrows people’s glasses. Pippa is a huge dog who’s always hungry.
Together, they keep their neighborhood safe from a smelly skunk and a rival group that’s giving pets a bad name. They save a baby, go on a TV show, and deal with the horrors of Fourth of July fireworks.

If you and your students liked the Super-Wild series, you’ll like Pets Rule! Each book:

• is a humorous, one-plot story.

• has highly cohesive text and natural dialogue—if pets could talk.

• draws 95% of its vocabulary from the 1,200 most commonly used words in the English language, with an emphasis on sight and decodable words.

Titles in this series:

New Cat in Town
Tiger thinks her new friend is a cat. She’s in for a big surprise!
Fear on the Fourth
Pippa hates the Fourth of July. When the fireworks start, she runs away and gets lost.
Don’t Blame the Dog
Oscar’s family has a new baby. When the baby makes trouble, Oscar gets blamed.
Almost Famous
Baz wants to be famous. That’s OK until he starts breaking rules to do it.
The Pack
Harry thinks pets should be good. When he meets some pets who are bad, he has to act.