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Diagnostic Reading Assessment  RL: | IL:
This Informal Reading Inventory will help you determine your student's word recognition skills, comprehension strategies, rates of comprehension, and general reading behavior. The Test provides word lists, oral and silent reading selections, and comprehension questions for reading levels 1-10. Based... (more)
GDRT-2 - Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests - Second Edition  RL: K | IL:
Age: 6-0 to 13-11
Testing Time: 45 to 60 minutes
Administration: Individual The Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests-Second Edition (GDRT-2) has been revised and updated to reflect current research in reading. The GDRT-2, a revision of the Gray Oral Reading Tests-Diagnostic (GORT-D), along with the... (more)
GORT-4 Gray Oral Reading Tests - Fourth Edition  RL: K | IL:
Ages: 6-0 through 18-11
Testing Time: 20 to 30 minutes
Administration: Individual The widely used and popular Gray Oral Reading Tests-Third Edition (GORT-3) has been revised and all new normative data provided. The GORT-4 provides an efficient and objective measure of growth in oral reading an... (more)
GSRT: Gray Silent Reading Tests  RL: K | IL:
Ages: 7-0 through 25-0
Testing Time: 15 to 30 minutes
Administration: Individual or Group

The Gray Silent Reading Tests (GSRT) will help you quickly and efficiently measure an individual's silent reading comprehension ability. The GSRT is a new, exciting addition to the Gray reading t... (more)
Phonological Awareness Training For Reading - 2nd Edition  RL: K | IL:
Phonological Awareness Training for Reading, Second Edition (PATR-2) is designed to increase the level of phonological awareness in young children.

The program is divided into four phases:
•sound blending
•sound segmenting
•reading and spelling

The w... (more)
Standardized Reading Inventory-2  RL: K | IL:
•Ages: 6 through 14

•Testing Time: 30 to 90 minutes

•Administration: Individual

The Standardized Reading Inventory-Second Edition (SRI-2) differs from the first edition in important ways. In addition to being criterion-referenced, the instrument is now... (more)
Test of Early Reading Ability, Third Edition  RL: | IL:
The Test of Early Reading Ability-Third Edition (TERA-3) is a unique, direct measure of the reading ability of young children ages 3-6 through 8-6. Rather than assessing children's "readiness" for reading, the TERA-3 assesses their mastery of early developing reading skills. This new edition has bee... (more)
Test of Reading Comprehension (TORC-4)  RL: K | IL:
Test of Reading Comprehension, Fourth Edition (TORC-4)  RL: K | IL:
Ages: 7-0 through 17-11

Testing Time: 45 minutes or less

Administration: Individual

The Test of Reading Comprehension - Fourth Edition (TORC-4) is an innovative approach to testing silent reading comprehension that can be used to (a) identify children and adolescents ... (more)