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Perceptual / Motor
Motor-Free Visual Perceptual Test - 4  RL: K | IL: 4 through 80
An updated and streamlined version of the classic visual-perception test


◾Visual Perception
◾Individual Administration
◾Ages 4 through 80+
◾Norm Referenced
◾Qualification Level B

The MVPT-4 is th... (more)
Test of Handwriting Skills-Revised (THS-R)  RL: K | IL:
Visual-Motor (sensory) Integration
Ages 6-0 through 18-11
Individual/Group Admin.
Testing/Scoring Time: 25 min.
The THS-R is an untimed, clinical assessment of neurosensory integration skills evident in handwriting (both manuscript and cursive) that are often disrupted in students w... (more)