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Learning Disabilities
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test  RL: | IL:
Ages: 2 through 23
Testing Time: 5 to 10 minutes
Administration: Individual The Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test (ADHDT) is an effective instrument for identifying and evaluating attention-deficit disorders in persons age 3 to 23. Designed for use in schools and clinics, the test ... (more)
Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test - 3 (JLRRT-3)  RL: K | IL:
Visual Reversals
Ages 5 through 12
Individual or Group Administration
Norm Referenced Description

The Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test - 3rd Edition (2011) helps clinicians identify students who have difficulty with reversals, and what types of reversals are problematic: objects, le... (more)